Friday, November 1, 2013

Nu-Dealers have started putting artist profiles together! Check out Randy's profile on Darick Robertson:

Artist's Profile: Darick Robertson

Darick Robertson is a comic book artist who has done art work for:
-Punisher: Born
-The Boys

Below are Darick's designs of Nightcrawler for the X-men series, for which he was the featured artist for 12 issues.

Darick is also one of the creators for Transmetropolitan, for which he did all of the artwork.

The main character in Transmetropolitan, Spider Jerusalem, (above) is a retired writer who was isolated in the mountains for 5 years away from city life. He then went back to finish his column for Driven Press. When Spider got back to the city, it was pretty much a wasteland of drug addicts, violence and prostitutes.  He spends his time trying to find the truth behind the lies of politicians.

Spider uses drugs to write his columns; he beats the shit out of people to get a scoop about his columns, he's both pissed at society and messed on drugs which doesn't help any.

i like transmetropolitian because i feel i can relate to spider. he's messed on drugs and hates everything. I'm clean now, but still hate everything.

Transmetropolitian consists of many comics of the series in one issue.

at one point this dog tries to kill Spider Jerusalem…

but the bulldog fails terribly 

I really enjoy this comic book. the story is amazing and the art work is spot on.  a picture says a thousand words. you don't even need to read the writing to know whats going on. you know exactly whats going on by just skimming through. darick robertson is an excellent artist. I would suggest for any reader to read these comics. p.s they are hard to get your hands on.

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